50 Life Group Policy Needed in Missouri


I have been writing individual Health policies for 5 years. Mostly Medicare Supplements for Seniors and I have recently stumbled onto a Company with 50 relatively healthy individuals. I have no idea where to begin in properly advising these folks with Obamacare looming. I am trying to wait until all this is sorted out but I believe that could take years if the law is not repealed. Who would you recommend I contract with to get a fair commisssion and quality service for my clients with all the changes coming into play? I have a feeling that I will be getting more of these calls so I better get started on the learning curve now. Do I need P and C license to market Health to a group setting? I wouldn't think so but any input is appreciated. I feel lost. :embarrassed:
I'd suggest you partner with an experienced local agent so the group gets the attention and care it deserves while you can retain some income