Age 26 Dependent Rule Clarification


So kids can stay on parents' plan to age 26....has anyone heard whether that means they can stay on the plan for the full year that they are 26 years old, or whether it means as soon as they turn 26 they are kicked off the plan? Haven't seen a firm answer on that anywhere...
According to this Q&A section at the HHS website:
Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act: Protecting Young Adults and Eliminating Burdens on Businesses and Families

1. Dependents will lose coverage on their 26th birthday.

2. Dependents cannot be charged more than other dependents in "similar circumstances".

3. Dependents under age 26 don't have to be accepted unless it is an open-enrollment period at that particular insurance company.

Am I interpreting #2 and #3 correctly to mean that dependents can't be rated, and that they don't have to be accepted outside of an open enrollment period?

I've already seen big rate-ups (500%!) of dependents and I've not had any of the over age 19 dependent add-on's to family policies turned away. Hmmmm.