
New Member
Good Afternoon All,
I am starting to sell Medicare advantage and Supplements here in Southern California. I submitted my contract w/ all carriers and the only one that came back with a denial was UHC. ( I am trying to figure out if I absolutely need to have them in my portfolio) and if anyone has experienced this before with UHC. I know they declined me because I have some old debts in Collections. When I called UHC they want me to set up payment arrangements with the collectors and then appeal, but because the accounts are in collections, the collectors are refusing a payment plan. They want a settlement and I just don't have thousands of dollars to pay. Please understand I fell into some difficult times. Because of things outside of my control, health illness, I could not pay these debts at the time. I already feel horrible and want to pay them, but collectors want payment now. Part of the reason why I got my license is to generate income and my goal is to eventually pay them, I just simply can't pay them what they are asking at this moment. Any help or guidance will be greatly appreciated. My understanding is UHC in Southern California is huge and I don't want to not have it available in my portfolio. I figured it's worth a try to appeal and see if this will help. Any recommendation on what to say or is it not even worth sending an appeal.

Thank you all in advance.
Are you sending payments to the collectors at all? They are not required to setup a payment plan, but they cannot refuse a payment.
Have your FMO get involved on your behalf. That's what they are there for. If you're not happy with their efforts, find another FMO.

LOL.....The FMO won't be able to do anything unless they pay off her debts!

To the OP. Is bankruptcy an option? I wouldn't normally bring that out first, but it sounds like you might have quite a mountain to climb that may not be worth it.

Otherwise, you can more than likely do just fine without them.