...get a Short Term Health plan until one gets sick..then get a ACA?

I was curious ..if a client who can not get a subsidy for a compliant ACA plan and doesn't want to pay the higher premiums and is 4 years or so away from Medicare age....does it make sense, or is it wise for him/her to get a short Term health plan for the lower premiums?

Add some ancillary products such as critical illness, stroke, accident policies to help supplement in the event something catastrophic does happen ...

If something catastrophic happens, then they would be able to go to a ACA plan during open enrollment that year? If the client has the resources or ancillary policies to help bridge the cost with the Short Term Health insurance until he/she can get on a ACA plan that would start the next year?

bad idea..?
You're basically describing the only type of client that should be in an STM plan, adding ancillary is optional:

1. Not eligible for aptc under aca
2. in GREAT health, with no meds or cheap med
3. Write a 2-3 yr policy with Nat Gen (or UHC) before Biden takes it away from us
4. Leverage OEP to determine if ACA is best for following year.

Stay away from the small STM players, or scams
And just because they get sick, doesn't mean they move to ACA.
STM plans are PPO networks, most ACA plans are HMO networks.
Had a friend/client with major cancer, he lived longer because of the STM PPO that allowed him the best care possible. An HMO would have killed him sooner. You just don't know which plan is best until after the fact and after diagnosis.
Yagents said:

3. Write a 2-3 yr policy with Nat Gen (or UHC) before Biden takes it away from us.

I wish more than just 364 days were available in PA, and Nat Gen as well. Only UHC is available here.

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