
The window is open but the subsidies seem to be way off anybody notice that?
The window is open but the subsidies seem to be way off anybody notice that?
I ran a quote yesterday on for a client. When all web broker sites went live today I ran the same quote again. Not only were the subsidy prices all over the place but the plan prices were off. Healthsherpa's price for the lowest price plan before the subsidy was about double. The Kaiser Bronze Plan that he wanted showed yesterday on for 11.28 on ACA Express it is 11.53. Today on it is $304.20 running the same scenario. I told my client I did not trust the quote last night and would wait to do a comparison when the web broker sites went live. Now it is just more confusing.
I think I will quote using INXS Cloud which are closer to the quotes from today. ACA Express' quotes are what I was getting yesterday. He will jump for joy if their quoting comes out closer to the winner. He's paying $434 for 2017.
See Comparison Attached
08/01/1961 (fake DOB but close to real one) Needs coverage
08/01/1959 (fake DOB) Doesn't need coverage
22030 Fairfax County, VA
Income: $55,000

I just ran Healthsherpa again same scenario and now their quotes flipped. Now they are similar to's quotes on 10-26-2017 and ACA Express. Unsubsidized price still crazy high on Healthsherpa

Update 8:00AM Healthsherpa's Rates mirror exactly
INXS Cloud stayed the same giving a lower subsidy
ACA Express still showing extremely high subsidy amounts with very low premiums

Right now Healthsherpa seems to give the most accurate information


  • Quote Comparison WebBroker VS Healthcare_gov.pdf
    359.2 KB · Views: 0
  • New Healthsherpa Quote.pdf
    167.1 KB · Views: 1
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