I'm not with FIG, but have come close to joining and have gone to one of their recruiting deals.

I would say they have probably the best reputation around for being an honest and straight-shooting organization. I'm not so sure they are weak in the life department. I'll defer to the others on that.
Good for annuities, not so good for life insurance.

Nailed it.

They are a tremendous resource with all things annuity.....and it is their annuity sales that completely support their life department.

The life department has good intentions, and aren't bad because of lack of effort....rather it is lack of experience. The only guy that actually knows his stuff actually runs the entire life division and doesn't work with agents. Everyone else I met there is a couple years out of college with no industry experience other than FIG.

The annuity department in stark contrast is full of guys with 10/15+ years of industry experience in the annuity IMO channel.
How does FIG differ to other FMO channels when it comes to agents? Do they offer leads, etc?