Carriers for Non-Licensed Driver

What if they have $1000's in fines they have to pay? people will risk it, oh wait, isnt that what insurance is, a transfer of risk?

Dont even tell me, every client in your agency has a valid license.....:no::goofy:

All of my clients have a valid drivers license, not sure why that would be hard to believe.
There's a lot of mexicans here that do not carry license. They just have matricula (MX License) so I need a carrier that accepts that.

Yes, some agencies are even advertising that they can insure people with no dl. I need this too since I had so many requests. I asked a couple of experienced agents and they said no carrier will do, but my referral sources tell me that they have been referring these to some agencies and they are writting them...It can be done, I just want to know our risk and how is done...Im new to P&C
It's all considered unverifiable, so what difference does it make if its license, id, whatever? If they get pulled over the cops don't recognize any of it as a license so one is the same as the other. There is typically either a surcharge for being unverifiable, or they get charged a violation depending on the carrier. They know what a foreign license means, if they don't want that kind of risk, they just ought not accept it.

Overall my loss ratio experience ends up being better with foreign license business than with state issued licenses, so it's not like they really mind, you know?
It's all considered unverifiable, so what difference does it make if its license, id, whatever? If they get pulled over the cops don't recognize any of it as a license so one is the same as the other. There is typically either a surcharge for being unverifiable, or they get charged a violation depending on the carrier. They know what a foreign license means, if they don't want that kind of risk, they just ought not accept it.

Overall my loss ratio experience ends up being better with foreign license business than with state issued licenses, so it's not like they really mind, you know?

OK. I understand, thanks.