Does Prior Claim Affect Rate at New Insurance Company ?


New Member
I recently had a claim on my policy for damage to my vehicle and damage to another parties vehicle. There was no police report. If my rate goes up with my current insurance company because of these claims, will my insurance rate also be higher if I change to another company ? I have never had an accident claim before this accident.

Does the car insurance industry share claim information across the industry ? Or do I get a fresh start when I change insurance companies since there is no police record ?

I know that CarFax is a central database of car accidents involving insurance claims but VIN is the search value. I supposed this same data could be searchable by Owner name ??
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Yes, they will run claim reports at new business through every carrier that I have ever worked with. So if in the application you lie, than once they run the reports, you look like a liar and an ***. The company that I represent DOES allow you to have 1 claim or ticket per driver/vehicle every 3 years without charging.