Getting Direct Appointments Related to Credit Score ?


New Member

I am attempting to get approved by P & C carriers direct and have a recent foreclosure on my credit score. Will this affect my appointments with certain carriers? Or all carriers for that matter? I'm really in a bind because I spent alot of money to start the business and am in the rebuilding process of creditworthiness.

I assume preferred markets will be cut off. Is this true? If so, is there any possible way around this matter except pray?

How about non-standard markets? I believe credit will not matter someone please correct me if i am wrong.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Any light shed is greatly appreciated

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Can a Guru or someone with experience with this please advise? Thank You.
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I think it's standard procedure for a background and credit with all new appointments including substandard. With a good explanation and hopefully a good production history/loss ratio the credit won't be a huge issue.
Credit matters in P&C, but you are right, non-standard tends to have a lower bar for appointment. You can also you a GA like SAIS or Insurance Noodle. They don't seem to check credit (I think).
