Is It Ok to Phone Someone who Hit Me?

Thanks. I work as a linemen for PG&E. My yearly wages are somewhere around $125,000. To date since the accident, Ive missed six months work and I'm told I've still got a couple months of physical therapy left. This guy who hit me is on the hook for all my list wages and considering the extent of my injuries, I'd say he owes me a lot. However, you make a valid point and I won't count my chickens before they hatch.

I hope you took the disability that was offered? I realize it won't fully replace your income, but it should definitely help.
Have they paid your medical bills? Lost wages? Wedding reimbursement? These are 'hard costs' and are pretty easy to get if there is enough coverage. Pain and suffering is over an above this.

Yes, they will reimburse your health insurance for your medical bills. You may never see that transaction, other than getting your direct expenses (copays / deductibles / etc) back, but it is a hard cost, so the insurance company is obligated to pay that, up to the policy limits.

They will also cover actual loss of income. If you are being paid anyway, then there isn't a loss of income, but you shouldn't have to burn sick hours / vacation time to get paid. If so, they should reimburse this as well, again, up to the policy limits.

Really, its going to come down to what the policy limits are first, then decide what to do from there.

Another update: Went to court yesterday. Policy limits were disclosed. $2,000,000.00. To date my medical is almost $450k. We'll see what happens next.