Top Substandard Carriers?


What are the top substandard carriers for auto? I know infinity auto is one. What are the others? Thanks in advance!
It would help if you mention the state you are in, since this will vary quite a bit.

"Top" in what way? In the southern states there are a ton of regional carriers, some have really good premiums but sucky claims service. I think omni is a good balance between the two, if they are in texas. Well, they are here. Don't know if they are there. ACCC will be pretty cheap but don't expect them to pay claims promptly or very well. They also specifically exclude some things most other carriers cover, like use of non named autos, rental car liability, etc. They also reauire photos even without collision coverage. They also charge extra to cover features like 4wd. But if you have someone who just wants the cheapest premium at any cost, they are it 3 times out of 4. How about assurance america? They will probably be a good bet.
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