What is the Best Insurance'S Company

Ahhh, Grasshopper, such a complex question. It must be analyzed from many perspectives. The answer, once found, will ease your burdens and lighten your heavy load.
I think you need to read the question again, he wants to know about the s companies....... a very small portion of the market but very important nonetheless... I believe the pm to chumps would be your best approach to finding your answer
The best would be the cheapest one that pays claims to use clients, and the best to you agents would do the same, but pay you a lot of money to sell it.
I think it will be very difficult to say which one is the best. Most at time it is relative to the consumer's expectations, what i may say is the best to me may not be at all to you. But the general rule is the one that you pay the least but gets the most claim