Mailer Response Rate

TR, would you mind sharing the content of the mailer? It seems you're getting above average results so you must either have a good message or have targeted your prospects very well.
Final update - Although I may get more responses to trickle in later, the current count is 327 returns. This brings my cost per lead card to just under $12.

These will serve as the primary source of new business for 4 of us through probably the summer.

The content of the mailer is about taxing social security income. Responders are interested in learning how their SS benefits are taxed and ways to avoid that.
Final update - Although I may get more responses to trickle in later, the current count is 327 returns. This brings my cost per lead card to just under $12.

These will serve as the primary source of new business for 4 of us through probably the summer.

The content of the mailer is about taxing social security income. Responders are interested in learning how their SS benefits are taxed and ways to avoid that.

Thats a very common mailer subject, was always curious how to "spin" effectively to make that one work, assuming its working the old numbers game.

Curious what ROI will be, thats what counts.
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Final update - Although I may get more responses to trickle in later, the current count is 327 returns. This brings my cost per lead card to just under $12.

These will serve as the primary source of new business for 4 of us through probably the summer.

The content of the mailer is about taxing social security income. Responders are interested in learning how their SS benefits are taxed and ways to avoid that.

But are they interested in buying insurance?
I do direct mailers to pitch Homeowners, sending out HO quotes to everyone in our area whose homes meet the criteria I have selected. The response rate runs a lackluster 1%, however those who call have pretty much made the purchase decision, otherwise they don't respond, generally. We close about 80% of the responses and multi-line the autos on well over half of those. Projecting ROI over the average life of each account, our ROI is over 400% consistently. I even have an out of area agent getting ready to start paying us to send some out for them too.
It's always a numbers game with any mailer. But I agree that ROI is important. The difficulty lies in the way we follow-up with these leads. We knock.

That said, we need to factor in costs like gas, and time.

We do know that it is worth it though. For example, using round figures, a couple of guys in our office used nothing but mailers to generate new business in 2010.

Mailers: $5,000 for the year.
Gas & Time: I don't know - but they drove around 10 hours a day, 4.5 days a week.
Income: over $300k

So when I talk with them about ROI on the mailers, they can say 60 to 1. I come back at them and say what about gas and time? They come back with - "I'd be driving around on those days regardless of my lead source."

Besides mailers, I use aged internet leads and t65 lists to generate new business. The mailers have proven to be the most successful.

That's why I created this thread - to show what sort of return I get and maybe hear some suggestions on that. However, upon reflection, I realize the mailer is only a small part of the overall cost of acquiring the business.
It's always a numbers game with any mailer. But I agree that ROI is important. The difficulty lies in the way we follow-up with these leads. We knock.

That said, we need to factor in costs like gas, and time.

We do know that it is worth it though. For example, using round figures, a couple of guys in our office used nothing but mailers to generate new business in 2010.

Mailers: $5,000 for the year.
Gas & Time: I don't know - but they drove around 10 hours a day, 4.5 days a week.
Income: over $300k

So when I talk with them about ROI on the mailers, they can say 60 to 1. I come back at them and say what about gas and time? They come back with - "I'd be driving around on those days regardless of my lead source."

Besides mailers, I use aged internet leads and t65 lists to generate new business. The mailers have proven to be the most successful.

That's why I created this thread - to show what sort of return I get and maybe hear some suggestions on that. However, upon reflection, I realize the mailer is only a small part of the overall cost of acquiring the business.

300K income very nice!

I'd be interested in the approach to go from I'm here to talk about reducing taxes on social security and I can do other things too. Once again I know its about numbers, sales ability, and finding the needs.

What area or radius do they work on these leads?
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