Not Interested Anymore! How Do You Respond?

Yeah when your new or are low on leads hound them to death. I had been calling a lead that was out of the way drive wise, all by itself, everyday for weeks. Never could get the guy on the phone. My wife was even asking me how long do I keep calling them if I can't get a hold of them. I told her until they tell me to stop:twitchy:

Well anyway, I called this guy for the 50th time one Sat morn. I get a call back on another number, it was his girlfriend. She passed the message along but he still didnt call me back. Finally, this Monday I had an appt near his house. So I DK'd it. He was there, he had just moved to second shift at work that week. Wrote him up and it was one of my easiest sales ever.

I got the lead over 5 weeks ago. You got two options. Get twice as many leads and go for the low hanging fruit or work these leads to death.

He should have been easy.....he made you work your azz off for that
Gotta admire the tenacity! Are you part terrier by chance??
JD you are a very consistent closer. are you annticipating the same type of volume with 12 leads? Or are you easing into retirement? Or another option?

I won't do the volume that I do now with less leads but I do over my goal now. I take 15 leads a week because that's the minimum order with EFES.

I really would have taken only 10-12 a week if that was an option.