A Somber Reminder of Why What We Do is So Important:

Sorry buddy but I have no clue what that means :(

Monkey...maybe he is wondering if you are to take goillini 's place?


Check go fund me pages. So many requests to cover funeral costs and most don't even come close. Can't really ask if that's what clients want to do instead-not the most sensitive or compelling sales pitch.

My father had a military funeral, without that, we wouldn't have had a clue on how to have a "proper" funeral.

An agent that I have worked with keeps tabs on the cost of a burial plot, a casket, funeral parlor arrangements and cost if you want to be cremated and puts them in a spreadsheet. I sat in with him on a couple of appointments and some people turn kinda green when they realize that he's talking about their death. I like the thought, but have a tendancy to use a semi-real personal experience (like the "if my father didn't have...).
Why can't you ask if that is they want? You are there to solve a need and make a sale. Sometimes you have to ask pointed questions.
Have some appointments coming up that are teetering on the "we'll buy it someday if not now end of the sales spectrum." Let you know how that goes.