Does Someone Have a Cheat Sheat and Core Story?


I'm looking for a cheat sheet if you have one. Cheat sheet of if someone has high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, smokers, overweight, high risk jobs or certain things then what carrier has the lowest rate for those types of people. Which carrier has lowest term, which ones with cheapest or free riders, which ones are best for UL or cash accumulation WL.

That's useful because you can look for what you need at a glance without having to hunt for it or wade through everything when you come across someone like that. I'd laminate it or put it in my binder.

Also, I'm looking for a core story. If you know who Chet Holmes is, then you know what a core story is. It's basically all the reasons WHY you need life insurance and all the benefits and hits all the emotional high points. It's a story you can tell clients at the beginning of the meeting. Not just a if you buy insurance your wife and kids will be taken care of if you die. That's just 1 reason. I'm compiling a sheet of all the WHYs.

Thank you. I think having these two things will help A LOT.