Ideal Concepts Inc

I've been there about 6 months or so. The leads SUCK!! 90% to 95% of them say they did not request any info. The Manager has an ego bigger than Russia (no pun intended). I have heard people on our training webinars call him a QUACK. And that's an understatement. One thing I will say is that the Assistant Manager, Brian, is Awesome. He knows his stuff. If you are thinking of working for this Company, Ideal Concepts (American Insurance Organization) RUN..... RUN FAR AWAY.....:swoon:
I thought of this company awhile back. I let it go as I was selling ACA and doing other things. I was just thinking of going forward with them. Now I am unsure again lol I'd be curious to hear more of the negatives with this company, if you wouldn't mind. Thank you in advance
i've been there 3 weeks now. Positives - work from home, free leads, the "avg rep" makes 50k the first year, 2nd year should be at 100k. (i am doing a little bit better than average out of the gate fortunately)

Negatives - you do need the patience to go thru many dialed numbers (bad numbers, upset people for getting many calls, not interested, etc)

so if you have the thick skin for all the 'no's', it is just what you would expect. (i really like the work from home, after my previous ins. gig was always driving/travelling.)
This is all very simple. Not knocking you Salesgirl or anyone else who sells for Ideal concepts, just personally would never ever trade freedom for "free leads" and being captive. I currently make way more than you in just my renewals. Granted I know, renewals will go down after you stop, however mine keep increasing every year, and it is nice to know going in to the year I have a solid base I've built up. I've worked hard for it, and did it with hard work, just personally would much rather work for myself, and build renewals for myself as opposed to someone else. Also have absolute zero interest to being chained to a desk for 40 hours a week. Might be good for a little, as i have done previously in other work, however after a while I hated it. Wish you, and anyone else the best of luck in the greatest industry out there, however if you just put in a little more elbow grease, toughen up and go after it, it so much more satisfying and lucrative to be independent.

How do you become an independent broker?
Hi Salesgirl,

I couldn't PM you because I haven't make a post yet. I have a second interview coming up with Ideal Concepts. Are you still with them? I'm currently with UsHealth Advisors. I don't think they are a terrible company in general but I'm not a good fit for the division I got recruited into. The young man that recruited me bold face lied to me. I had no experience with insurance sales at he time and I ask him if it was an outbound call scenario or were appointments set for me. He said it was not set appointments but it was customers calling us. I would log on, a green button would flash, if I was the first to click the button I'd be connected to the person calling and be given the chance to sell them. Clicking the green button first was considered a "win" whether or not I sold them and I'd be limited to 10 wins a day. Total lie. It's not even a predictive dialer. I have to click each "lead" manually and either leave a message of voicedrop a pre-recorded message. I had already invested $430 by the time I discovered the lie so I just tried to put it past me and at least make a sale or two to recoup my investment. From week one I was writing. I was the only one of the new people selling and on track to their first bonus level. Then the division leader decided to kick everyone who wasn't making 400 actions a day off the leads. I was one of those. I wasn't as fast as other people dialing because I was trying to study. Their training was terrible and I believe a good salesperson knows their products like the back of their hands. Every time I tried to ask a question about our product I was given the answer, "everything you need to know is in the script" .... that was the final straw so I decided to start looking around.

Sorry for the real question is this: USHealth Advisors only sells short term and ancillary but I find that very hard to sell because with all the government subsidies people can get major medical cheaper than our plans so I feel guilty pushing them into something with less coverage for not that much cheaper.

From you post I've gathered that you too make the majority of your money from the short term and ancillary plans because of higher commission. I really like the variety Ideal Concepts offers. I feel like that would put me in a position to actually help a greater percentage of the people that answer the phone. Just wondering if you think I'd be successful at Ideal Concepts with my mindset that major medical is better coverage? It sounds like the training is way better at Ideal Concepts so maybe I'd come out of training with a better understanding and a different point of view.

Thanks. I appreciate you and your time.
Thanks salesgirl this was super helpful. I start with IC in 2 days. I would like to hear more of Pros vs Cons. I've lived long enough that you always give up something for every choice. Question: How strict is your manager? I dont like to be micro-managed or talked down to like a child. I dont think I would last very long in that kinda environment. Thanks...
Hi Salesgirl,

I've been burned by bad leads before, even free ones. Do you have any insight into how IC actually sources their leads?
Hey Sorry took a break from this site because it's so negative, then for OEP, and then a break in general after that for personal reasons. I'm back at Ideal after an extended "vacation".
Not sure if I caught all questions, but here's what I got:
How strict is my manager? I've had several managers over the years. They've added a ton of managers and I think they try to spread everyone out so nobody has a team of all top agents and nobody has a team of all duds. Mike & Mike are the main managers. These guys are the best, super knowledgeable, but really busy. You'll hardly ever hear from them except during trainings/meetings. I was under Mike Papoc when I started; he was just too busy. Luckily I thrive without direction. Then I got a couple of assistant sales managers. Currently with Sam and I love him. Hope I stay with him. He's super young, but really good. We don't interact too much because I'm very independent, but if I have a question, he's quick to answer. In general, management has vastly improved over the past year. It used to be hard to get someone to answer, now, they're just a click away.
Do you have any insight into how IC actually sources their leads? I really don't. I knwo that we go through dry times and...wet times? That can't be the right expression! lol I also know they are for sure internet generated, and I think they must buy them, because sometimes ppl insist they never applied for info on insurance. Shurg. It's just part of lead generation. You get 10 duds followed by 1 whale. It happens. I don't have a lot to compare it to, but the "dry times" are still 100% then me trying to buy my own and manage those and put them into a CRM and all that crap, honestly.
Hope that helped. Sorry for my long absence. I'll probably go away again after this. This site stresses me out. But feel free to PM me; maybe I'll check those more often.
SShockley21 said:

Hi salesgirl, I just recently signed with them and I'm excited to be here. Thank you for the thorough explanation of IC.

She posted this three years ago, so let's see if she replies back if she's still with them or moved on to greener pastures.