Just Accepted an Offer with AIL


New Member
I just accepted an offer by AIL... I've been told that the hours are grueling but I think I'm up for the challenge.I'm 24 with no wife or kids so I don't have a family to worry about coming home to at night or any real dependable responsibilities.

Anybody have experience with them and can spot me a few pointers in how to succeed with this company? The management seems pretty cool, and I have yet to really meet everybody that works there but so far the people seem like nice folks overall.

Any advice would be great. If you have anything negative to say, please counter it with something positive to take away, I really do want to succeed and definitely won't with negative thinking.

In order to be the best, what shall I do?
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I started off with them and it was a great start. Tons of people here have negative to say about them, but I made $7k with them my first month in the business and I don't know anywhere else I could have made that money right out of college. Leaving there was the right thing to do, but it's a great place to get started!
Hey Josh, thanks for the reply... Why did you say leaving was the right thing to do? Did the leads dry up? And if so, why all of a sudden did this happen? How long were you there?
Hey Josh, thanks for the reply... Why did you say leaving was the right thing to do? Did the leads dry up? And if so, why all of a sudden did this happen?

It was a combination of things. They told me they'd keep 100 leads in my bag every two weeks when I started, and they did. I wrote a ton of premium. Then, the MGA went to be an SGA and the new MGA thought everyone should work off referrals. I did alright with them, but not enough to stay busy on them alone. I learned a ton, made money, and overall at the time I thought it was a fairly negative experience, but in retrospect I couldn't imagine a better way to start my career.

Most people have a much more negative experience. I'm not saying that to claim I'm a great salesman or anything like that, but realistically not everyone is going to have a great experience there. Many do, but they will "hire" just about anyone, so I wonder how many of the people that fail there just were never cut out for it to begin with.
Calmdown...while I haven't worked with AIL I do want to pass on some positive thinking. Just like you...had no wife or kids when I started and worked my tail off for the first year and made a ton of money. For 12-18 months worth of hard work, you can make a lot of money, expedite your learning curve and set yourself up personally, professionally... and financially. Just commit to learning and give it time and energy...good for you! You can do it!
Calmdown...while I haven't worked with AIL I do want to pass on some positive thinking. Just like you...had no wife or kids when I started and worked my tail off for the first year and made a ton of money. For 12-18 months worth of hard work, you can make a lot of money, expedite your learning curve and set yourself up personally, professionally... and financially. Just commit to learning and give it time and energy...good for you! You can do it!
Thanks, what company did you start with and how much would you say you make? Was this with leads or straight prospecting?
The company I started with has been absorbed it was with leads first then prospecting. I made a really good living (for me as it's different for everyone), but don't think this is something to be shared. When you get enough posts private message me and we can talk more and I can share my experiences with starting out in the business. You can learn alot from peers on the forum as well.
AIL can be o.k. it depends upon who is managing the local gig. Unfortunately, I had a sleezebag.
Its a great place to start and get educated then move to the independent world where you can make more money. Let them teach you how to be successful, just absorb everything like a sponge.