Just Venting a Little People

Having a slow day or do you need a bit of fiber in your diet? :swoon:


Even better.....if you have nothing to share simply move on! ;)

But I did share, using bullet points, paragraphs, images, and etc to break up the words make it easier to read.

If you want people to read your post and not open it, then close it. It's best to make it easier to read. (It was one of the first pieces of advice I got when posting on the forum, actually).
A word of caution to any insurance agent reading this.

NEVER refer to any insurance policy has having "full coverage."

There is no such thing. When something goes wrong all your customer is going to remember is "full coverage" and when something isn't covered better make sure your E&O coverage is up to date.

Oh, I know what you mean by "full coverage." Liability plus Collision and Other Than Collision (even that's not called "comprehensive" any more) as opposed to just Liability. But your customer doesn't know that. All your customer knows is what you "tell" them because they'll never read their policy.

The same goes for "All Risk." There's a good reason that the phrase rarely, if ever, appears in insurance policies anymore though people in the industry still use it erroneously.

As for your vent, no problem. It goes without saying that the insurance buying public doesn't have the sense that God gave a goose.
But you told me I was all set?
Lol, of course the dealer want full coverage. I bet she get the car for zero down, or worst, lease it. I have seen too many people like this ... they go on and on about how hard life is, how their paycheck is not enough to cover expenses, then go drop $60, $80 for a manicure ...

Let she shops around. She'll run back to you as soon as she get the quotes back.