Licensing Questions and Concerns


New Member
I've worked for an insurance company for 5 years, starting in 2012. I've had a misdemeanor theft in 2008, a dismissed forgery felony ( was not convicted) and in 2009 a criminal damage to property. ..I know, I know, it's horrible. I successfully completed probation in Jan of 2011 and have had nothing since not even a traffic ticket. I'm currently licensed in 18 states, mostly the mid west. I am taking a new position within my company, but will need to obtain my license in all 50 states.

I'm worried about being accepted. I saw FL/TX and CA are tough and given the circumstances I put myself in 8 years ago I fear it may be impossible. Does anyone have any success stories? I was 17& 18 years old at the time and am now almost 27. Again, I was a horrible young adult but have been nothing but perfect since.

Thanks all
