Website Conversion % ?


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What % of your website traffic converts to quotes and/or sales? According to WP statistics I've had 232 visitors so far this week.

I have a large call to action button, I've tried a pop up, I have live chat that goes to my iPhone, and zilch.
Maybe that tells you something about the content on your site ...


I've been thinking about this since I posted, and I think that came across as antagonistic. What I really meant is:

Maybe your copy leads them to do what you want them to do (request a quote), but that's not what they want to do (they want more info on a particular subject first).

Again, you have the knowledge that they want. Put yourself in their shoes and ask:

What do they want?
What are they looking to have answered?
Why are they here?
What would I want to happen at this juncture? Am I ready to be quoted?

Remember, there is likely a significant tragedy that occurred to get them to search for a new broker. Most people will stick with "good enough" for a long time, until they have a real reason to search. It's just not high-priority for business owners vs. high-revenue producing tasks. SOMETHING BIG caused them to be looking, and they probably won't want to just jump right in, similar to a failed relationship - you're going to have to court them and prove you're different.
Maybe that tells you something about the content on your site ...


I've been thinking about this since I posted, and I think that came across as antagonistic. What I really meant is:

Maybe your copy leads them to do what you want them to do (request a quote), but that's not what they want to do (they want more info on a particular subject first).

Again, you have the knowledge that they want. Put yourself in their shoes and ask:

What do they want?
What are they looking to have answered?
Why are they here?
What would I want to happen at this juncture? Am I ready to be quoted?

Remember, there is likely a significant tragedy that occurred to get them to search for a new broker. Most people will stick with "good enough" for a long time, until they have a real reason to search. It's just not high-priority for business owners vs. high-revenue producing tasks. SOMETHING BIG caused them to be looking, and they probably won't want to just jump right in, similar to a failed relationship - you're going to have to court them and prove you're different.

Well said. Thank you. I'm in a similar position with my website right now, although its still very new, but I really appreciate this advice.
What % of your website traffic converts to quotes and/or sales? According to WP statistics I've had 232 visitors so far this week.

I have a large call to action button, I've tried a pop up, I have live chat that goes to my iPhone, and zilch.

Where does this traffic come from? Based on your past threads, I'm assuming it is paid traffic? You did not get 232 visitors from SEO with a new site like I believe you mentioned.

Assuming it is paid PPC traffic, or media---it is not a stretch to get that number of clicks and have zero conversions. It would be helpful to see your site...feel free to PM me or make it public. PPC for a new marketer is will get taken very quickly. I dropped $10k learning ppc--with no return. Confirm this is PPC and show your site...that is the only way you can get good advice...the above scenario based on a tragedy is not likely relevant in your lead gen funnel.