How Fast Were You Able to Grow Your Independent Book...


I am currently a captive agent, and we are writing about $1M/yr of new business with the single company we can write through...all P&C.

I am making the switch to the independent side next year, and am curious how fast people were able to grow their P&C Book of Business.
the Answer to that question is going to vary immensely.

What are you doing to grow 1m in NB WP a year? With that track record of success chances are you can expect much of the same successes as an indy. Unless your captive company is paying for all the marketing and you won't have the same budget to do the same as an indy.
I too am just starting my own independent agency. Just got an early release for good moral behavior as a captive (prisoner) and I am scared to death of not doing well on my own. Marketing and getting good leads is making me very nervous. But I have always been a go-getter and will give it the ol' college try.:1rolleyes: