Independant L&H Agent with a Felony Conviction Looking for Carriers that Will Accept Me


New Member
I'm a licensed life and health producer in Missouri. I have a felony conviction from over 7 years ago. I was able to get a consent order to produce. I'm wanting to be an independant agent. I've applied to a few carriers and have no luck so far. Anyone with any insight on which carriers would be more likely to accept me would be of great help. Or just some carriers in general since I'm basically just googleing to find ones now. Thanks for any help!
you were able to get a license as a convicted felon? I don't know of any carriers that would appoint a convicted felon. good luck to you though.
I looked up combined insurance online. By looking at it they would make me a captive agent is that right? I'm looking to be captive. I could just use some names of carriers to try out if possible. Thanks for any more help!
I work for combined and while im not a felon a had alot of stuff that was keeping me from getting companies to let me write..combined took me no problem...a banked 10k my first 10 weeks so they could help with a fast start...things arent that rosy now but its 5 degrees here so its hard to sell to people that want to lock themselves away all winter