Individual or Business License?


Missouri offers both an individual license, and a business license when you go to apply -- it doesn't say what you can do with one that you can't do with the other, and the fee is the same for both.

The training program I'm using referred briefly to an agency being licensed as opposed to the agent -- but the explanation was two sentences long, and it seemed contradictory to an earlier discussion in the program about who needs a license (i.e., the section talking about having a licensed agency seemed to indicate that if an agent was working for a licensed agency, then the agent didn't have to be licensed; but, the earlier section said that anybody selling insurance needed to be licensed).

Can anyone clarify for me?
I'm licensed in MO. Get the individual license for now. The only reason to add the business license later, is if you actually have a business, and plan to market and advertise using the business name.

Again, get the individual producer license first. If you grow a business later, you can worry about being licensed as a business entity at that time.