My Boss is Two Steps Removed from an *** (Captive Agent)

My question is, is it worth it? Is it smarter and more lucrative to just go out on my own once I feel confident that all my training's complete and I can't get anything else information-wise from these people? How much does one make as a captive agent opening up his own shop as a manager or as a unit manager within a location?[/quote]

It would be wiser to perform the job that best matches your character, life purpose and family situation.
In a nutshell:
If you love meeting and serving people: Do the independant agent thing.
If you love being part of a team and like leadership: Do the managment thing.

My take is at the end of the day you need to be satisfied with your work and not so much the money.
I am willing to bet that through the "Law of Reciprocity" the amount of money you make will be proportionate & satisfying according to the degree of passion you put into your work. At least in this industry.;)

Cheers Matie,
Well said Chas,

My take is at the end of the day you need to be satisfied with your work and not so much the money.
I am willing to bet that through the "Law of Reciprocity" the amount of money you make will be proportionate & satisfying according to the degree of passion you put into your work. At least in this industry.;)

Cheers Matie,

In all but very rare cases, I have found that money alone does not motivate people.

Quality of life is a much more motivating factor in the long run.

Again, in most cases, money means very little if there is no quality of life to go with it.

Love what you do and you will live a lot longer and happier.