The Project 200 Case Study

Just an update on my project 200 case study as I'm moving along. I've added several videos to walk you through what I'm thinking. Here's a list of the videos so far.

1. Project 200 Case Study Introduction:
2. Identify Friends, Family & People You Know:
3. Identify Your Community and Other Affiliations
4. Target a Specific Occupation or Prospect
5. Target Referral Prospects
6. How to Organize Your Project 200
7. Prospecting Philosophy
8. Decide What Kind of Agent You Will Be and BE It
9. Decide What You Are Going to Sell
10. Know the Underwriting Requirements
11. Identify an Insurance Problem You Can Offer to Solve

Here's a link to the videos I've made so far in the process grouped into a playlist if you are interested.

Let me know if you any questions or feedback if you review these.