To Sell Health or Life


New Member
I am sitting for my 40 hour pre-test class starting this weekend. The 2-15 Life, Health & Variable Annuity license. I have already had meetings/interviews with a Independent, a Captive(USHealth Group) and a Life Company(MOO). I see definite Pros and Cons for each. I am concerned with all I have seen, heard and read in this Forum, on the News and in trade magazines about the future of the Health Insurance Agent and Industry as a whole. With all the Reform propaganda and that Non Insurance Doctors Office in Seattle that is getting a lot of press, I am starting to lean on the Life side of the Industry. I welcome all thoughts and comments.
I would go with life. But you can do both.

Hell, I thought Obama didn't have a chance to make anything in health care reform, but it looks like something might happen now.

If you are just getting started, hell I would not chance it, and I would at least also be doing life insurance.