Looking for a telemarketer - I'm offering $2,000 a week

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
I'm in search of a new telemarketer and I'll pay any new agent here $2,000 a week flat pay. Would you take that job? I'll require you to work 4 hours a day on the phone.

Sound good? Great - I still get a lot of emails from agents coming into this industry struggling for a way to get off the ground. And while almost every new agent here would take me up on this offer the question is - why wouldn't you do it for yourself?

You want a guaranteed way to get off the ground? Get either Goleads, SalesGenie Light or ReferenceUSA, and start making 4 hours a day worth of calls.

You will generate 3 leads per hour, 4 hours a day - 60 leads for the week. If you're on a 20% contract average volume will be $3,500. Two deals is $1,400. My cat could close 1 out of 30 telemarketed leads - and remember these are leads you generated so obviously the quality is high.

3 deals is $10,500 in volume and $2,000 in commission. That's also 1 out of 20 closed but when you're brand new that's probably on target. Eventually you can close 4 or 5 out of those 60 leads.

Marketing costs? Either $10 a month with Goleads or free with ReferenceUSA.

So again, would you telemarket 4 hours a day for $2,000 a week? You're brand new and think buying shared leads is the way to go? That's like entering a body building competition after being in the gym for a week.
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I'm in search of a new telemarketer and I'll pay any new agent here $2,000 a week flat pay. Would you take that job? I'll require you to work 4 hours a day on the phone.

Sound good? Great - I still get a lot of emails from agents coming into this industry struggling for a way to get off the ground. And while almost every new agent here would take me up on this offer the question is - why wouldn't you do it for yourself?

You want a guaranteed way to get off the ground? Get either Goleads, SalesGenie Light or ReferenceUSA, and start making 4 hours a day worth of calls.

You will generate 3 leads per hour, 4 hours a day - 60 leads for the week. If you're on a 20% contract average volume will be $3,500. Two deals is $1,400. My cat could close 1 out of 30 telemarketed leads - and remember these are leads you generated so obviously the quality is high.

3 deals is $10,500 in volume and $2,000 in commission. That's also 1 out of 20 closed but when you're brand new that's probably on target. Eventually you can close 4 or 5 out of those 60 leads.

Marketing costs? Either $10 a month with Goleads or free with ReferenceUSA.

So again, would you telemarket 4 hours a day for $2,000 a week? You're brand new and think buying shared leads is the way to go? That's like entering a body building competition after being in the gym for a week.

Outstanding post. That really puts it in black and white.

That doesn't only apply to "new agents". I would guess that most agents who have been in the business for a while are not making $2,000 per week, $104,000 per year. Why, they don't want to pick up the "dreaded" telephone. They must learn to "slay that dragon" to be successful.

Their fortune is at the tip of their dialing finger.
Good stuff John and Frank!

Never delegate a task to someone else where you would be better served doing it yourself.
Hmmm... Well that's sure makes me feel lazy.... HA! I have been better about getting on the phone, but you are so right John. I am quick to spend several thousand dollars on marketing when all I really have to do is pick up that damn phone.. Good post!
Now wait....this is for newbies breaking into the business. Expenses are near zero so you're not spending money while learning. You're also not competing with senior agents while learning.

However, once you're off and running THEN you want to farm it out. Instead of spending 4 hours on the phone generating 9 leads you could call 9 leads a marketer generated in 15 minutes - better use of your time and you can expand. You cannot expand making calls yourself. I'm just saying there are steps in this businesses.

That being said, if expanding isn't a big issue and you're very comfortable making just over $2,000 a week I can't see ever farming it out. You will become better at closing so 3 hours of marketing a day would yield 4 deals a week and you could call it a life.
Wow - sometimes the most simple advice is the best (K.I.S.S.). Sure makes seeing the forest through the trees a lot easier.

What I am even more impressed by is the eye catching headline (make 2K/Wk). Incorporate that type of marketing technique into print/oral presentation and people will want to know more - like flies to honey. Good job, great post! That's the type of advice a person can take to the bank. Yes, I'm going to use it.

I predict that this post will eventually get more hits than "Zero premium life insurance".
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I think a lot of agents are struggling looking for that elusive six figure pay. In the mean time if you have a dial tone that's all you need.

If you think telemarketing is that much different then calling shared leads guess again. About 70% of all your shared leads won't answer the phone, just like 70% of all the numbers you dial for small biz owners won't answer.

The people who actually answer the phone on shared leads, once they realize you're an agent are like "****!!!" Actually, the attitude is BETTER when calling small biz owners!!!

The bottom line is when shared leads don't expect agents to call (And they don't or never in a million years would they have typed in their info) and telemarketed leads don't expect your call then what's the difference. Oh....shared leads are actively looking for insurance? Yeah....like everyone on Priceline is looking for a flight this week.
I have ALWAYS done 100% of my own telemarketing. It's worked for over 10-years so far.

My day is this, I'm either on an appointment or I'm on the phone or in my car trying to get an appointment.

I've never been of a mindset that I would trust anyone else to do it for me. But I am comming around to where I may try a telemarketer to see what they can do.
You must do very well. Another point to make is you need to to stay postive. There's nothing more depressing than sitting in your office trying to come up with something to do. You can buy leads all you want, but the average agent is not getting more than 5 a day due to cost. Ok, so what are you doing with the other 7 hours.

Keeping busy keeps you positive and focused.