When Emailing Proposals...


100+ Post Club
I think bulletpoints work best when sending out a proposal for insurance. I've been trying to fine tune the information that I include with each one.

Anyone have a standard template or form that you like to use when doing this? If so, please share whatcha got...!
I use Quotit, then follow up with a phone call and "walk" them through the proposal. It is a powerful spreadsheet that allows them to see over 100 plans side by side.

Of course I only show a few at a time.
Bob...With Quotit...In the emailed quote, can you also pick the plans you want to show them? For an example, if I wanted to pick a few plans from UHC, a few from Aetna and none from BC etc...can I do that?

Normally, I would just call you but I've bugged you enough this week.
Yes you can. HOWEVER, Quotit ain't perfect. It doesn't always perform the email function well. As in, they don't get the email.
That's ANOTHER challenge...!

I've found that people, especially with yahoo.com email addresses, they get lost in bulk email, which necessitates a follow up phone call...which is a good thing, but even still a lot of the time they never received it. It does give you a reason to call them up, but there's so much spam flying around that a lot of time, legit emails get lost in the pile.

Could someone send me what a quotit email looks like? My email is greg at stevens dot net. I'd appreciate it greatly!
Two weeks ago, it was absolutely unbelieveable. A group, we were looking at doing individual policies (cheaper overall and they were all in great health) and you have to e-mail each individually (from the Quotit operation). It took 4 attempts, meaning, 4 separate times I was e-mailing the same freaking report.

Another thing about Quotit. With my service, I have email accounts. Nice thought, HOWEVER, I have never in any email service provider ever received so much SPAM.

If I was actually able to grow an inch from every penis enlargement or pharmacy (viagra crap), I would be from here to the moon, if you get my drift.

Why Quotit has no spam filtering mechanism I have absolutely no idea. It is beyond annoying.
Sorry for the delay. Yesterday was very busy.

Spam filters can play havoc with any email, not just one from Quotit or Norvax. I have sent emails to folks with little more than a hyperlink or PDF attachment and it ends up in the junk file.

If you want your stuff to be read you need to make a follow up phone call (or two or three or . . .).

Quotit has the option of sending out proposals with one hyperlink at the bottom of the email. That minimizes the chances of spam filters blocking it.

I always send out my Quotit proposals via ReadNotify so I know exactly when (and if) my proposal is opened. Many times I am sitting at my computer when I am notified they have opened my proposal and I call them on the spot. I get to play Carnac and pretend it was just a coincidence that I called them.

Yes, Quotit allows me to pick the plans & carriers I want to show, both in the actual proposal as well as the options available to my client when they pick their own plan.

Greg, Ed, I will send you proposals later. They will have GA rates since I am only set up to use Quotit in those states but you can see the format & get an idea how it works.
Why send an email? Set up a meeting, if your operating remotely, use a service that allows them to see your desktop via their computer. That way you keep the proposal and if they're interested, complete an application right there. If they ask for the proposal, tell them you only send out proposals to current clients (explain that you don't do free consulting).
Everyone who asks gets a proposal. Each month I write 1 - 2 cases from folks (some of which I never talked to) who spent a great deal of time pondering over which plan to buy. They visit & revisit my site and run proposals.

It works for me, may not for you.

That is what is great about this business.

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