Agent-Broker 2016 Marketplace Certification Info.

Agree mostly but why do you need to wait until October for Medicare? Some carriers are open now for at least some of the training (maybe not plan specifics, but you can get everything else done)

Get started on the Medicare stuff that is open while waiting for FFM.

What else is August for but sitting around in your shorts completing AHIP with a beer in your hand? :1cool:

bluediamond is exclusive to Florida Blue, they have a completely different Medicare certification process that doesn't use AHIP and is only available when they decide to open certification.
FLM is correct Tn we go through Gorman for Med certification and they incorporate product training along with it.

SMAN yes I had mine completed by this time last year for under 65. I am going to take the week of August 17th and say it will not be without glitches.
NAHU Washington Update - 07/31/2015

I was sent this in a link from a bulletin sent out from my GA. It said NAHU is one of three vendors that will be providing FFM training this year? Does anyone know who the other two are? The word VENDOR to me translates into fee. Will they be charging us to register this year?
I couldn't get in on the webinar either so the forum has been my only source of reliable information.
I think the benefits of going through an approved vendor is that you'll receive Continuing Education credits. You're right Sherota1..most likely there will be a fee.

The upside is the CE Credit. The potential downsides are the aforementioned fee, your scores might be lost in transmission, and an un-necessary middle man is added between you and CMS.

Based on what we know thus far, I'm going to simply go to the CMS Portal and complete the courses & tests with them directly. Maybe next year, the vendors will be the only available methods for certifying. I think Medicare Advantage certification is handled ONLY via vendors isn't it? (I've never sought M.A. certification)
bluediamond is exclusive to Florida Blue, they have a completely different Medicare certification process that doesn't use AHIP and is only available when they decide to open certification.

Ah, yes, that would be problematic then.
I think the benefits of going through an approved vendor is that you'll receive Continuing Education credits. You're right Sherota1..most likely there will be a fee.

The upside is the CE Credit. The potential downsides are the aforementioned fee, your scores might be lost in transmission, and an un-necessary middle man is added between you and CMS.

Based on what we know thus far, I'm going to simply go to the CMS Portal and complete the courses & tests with them directly. Maybe next year, the vendors will be the only available methods for certifying. I think Medicare Advantage certification is handled ONLY via vendors isn't it? (I've never sought M.A. certification)

MA certification typically requires AHIP or Gorman in addition to the carriers product training. But can vary by carrier.
Anyone have any update on FFM training???

There is another webinar today, it's probably the same info as the last one (which, from what others have posted, was useless).

You would have to think the training will be open by September 1st, if not they are really screwing over agents.