Can I Ask Personal Advice Here? How Do I Get Health Insurance?

Oh you mean I can have chest pains and go to and sign up,
then go to india and be treated?
Hope no one minds this- but maybe it will be something others can learn from as they read it too...

Situation is I'm in process of divorce. STBX (soon to be ex...) skipped the state and is living across the country. I found out that when he moved and took a new job he did not insure myself and our son even though a court order in my state said he should (and apparently the employer doesn't care much about enforcing an out of state court order)

That's all fine- but what do I do? I understand the process of enrolling in health insurance 0% since the obamacare started up. Can I buy a direct plan? Is all health insurance obamacare? Do i have to go through the exchange? Do I have to wait until open enrollment? (though I just found out, the gap of insurance has been more than 30 days)

I'd love to hear anyone's suggestions... Thanks in advance!

I live in PA if it matters...

Edited to add- other than being plump, I'm in great health. We both are. We saw a doc for the flu this past year otherwise nothing...if anything we don't see the dr enough compared to most people's standards. (checkups= yuck)

I am an Agent in Western PA if you like to send me a message directly I may be able to help you.