I'm Wondering if There Will Be a Place for the Agent in Trump Care?

It was not by convenience, but by design. I avoid your posts because over the years you have shown yourself be an adversary of anyone who dares to disagree with you. It is the same Trump mentality that so many agents here have.

I only seek to engage in civil discourse with those who are interested in and capable of such, and you (and many others) have shown yourself to be neither.

As a result of that metric, I most often ignore your insulting missives and your mean-spirited encyclicals and I would suggest, actually implore, you to do likewise with mine.

"Good fences make good neighbors." - Robert Frost, Mending Wall

Last call for alcohol Skipper! Get some sleep and clear your head! :goofy:
There will be a place for the agent in #! $@&care
...it will be very tiny
Instead of agent commissions that money will be spent on commercials and YouTube. "How To......."
Big blue spending lots money on ads
NYlife, I agree some long timers on here can be brutal but your language is above my simple country vocab. You must be college educated!?!?

You are correct, but it is not an achievement that is advantageous to reveal in this chat forum because there are many agents here who deeply despise those who have been able to matriculate through a rigorous four-year academic curriculum.

You also don't ever want to directly assert (or even subtly imply) in this group that a college degree is advantageous for being successful in the insurance industry because "they" will come out of the ether and drive a wooden stake through your virtual heart.
You have a problem with that? Maybe there is someone here who cares and can point you to some kind of twelve-step program and get you into recovery. :)

(Honestly, attacking me does very little to amplify much less validate your argument... but I know it makes you feel good, so by all means feel free to continue. I"ve faced more virulent opposition when deployed, so knock yourself out and 'be all you can be.')

It might be tough for you, but not or me. Why do you think that i?. Come on, you can figure it out.


As I said, you failed at insurance and are jealous of anyone who has succeeded, as many of us who participate in this forum continue to be in this market niche. ACA included both Medicare and Group in the regulations, it wasn't just individual or did that fact escape your not so thorough investigation?


You are correct, but it is not an achievement that is advantageous to reveal in this chat forum because there are many agents here who deeply despise those who have been able to matriculate through a rigorous four-year academic curriculum.

You also don't ever want to directly assert (or even subtly imply) in this group that a college degree is advantageous for being successful in the insurance industry because "they" will come out of the ether and drive a wooden stake through your virtual heart.

What a bunch of crap-I have a BS in Chemistry, MBA in Finance, and 40 years of business experience. Insurance is my chosen 2nd career (as I have posted on multiple occasions on this forum) because I no longer wanted to manage people or work full time.
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You are correct, but it is not an achievement that is advantageous to reveal in this chat forum because there are many agents here who deeply despise those who have been able to matriculate through a rigorous four-year academic curriculum.

You also don't ever want to directly assert (or even subtly imply) in this group that a college degree is advantageous for being successful in the insurance industry because "they" will come out of the ether and drive a wooden stake through your virtual heart.

Does this clown ever listen to himself? Hopefully....because no one else does. What a self-centered, egotistical blowhard! :D:D:D
It was not by convenience, but by design. I avoid your posts because over the years you have shown yourself be an adversary of anyone who dares to disagree with you. It is the same Trump mentality that so many agents here have.

Look jackwad. you ban yagents why not just ban my arse too... you don t like yagents i don't like you... and I'm mean as hell boy
You are correct, but it is not an achievement that is advantageous to reveal in this chat forum because there are many agents here who deeply despise those who have been able to matriculate through a rigorous four-year academic curriculum.

You also don't ever want to directly assert (or even subtly imply) in this group that a college degree is advantageous for being successful in the insurance industry because "they" will come out of the ether and drive a wooden stake through your virtual heart.

What in the h**l are you smoking??? Is that even legal in NY?

I've been here a while now and have never seen a post degrading someone who has a bachelors degree.

I just think you are an *** who doesn't understand ACA, HIPAA, ERISA, basic marketing or the industry as a whole. What does that have to do with a bachelors degree? There are plenty of college grads who also have failed insurance agent on their resumes. Its listed right there, under "matriculated through a rigorous four year academic curriculum".

Personally, my rigorous four year academic curriculum included useful phrases like "capital gains", "ssa income max", "IRMAA", "primary residency" and "pompous jerks". Which seems appropriate to mention at this moment.
I just think you are an *** - kgmom219

Look jackwad. you ban yagents why not just ban my arse too... you don t like yagents i don't like you... and I'm mean as hell boy - taterpeeler

Does this clown ever listen to himself? Hopefully....because no one else does. What a self-centered, egotistical blowhard! - Key2Success

What a bunch of crap-I have a BS - FLM2

Hmmmm. A lot of butt-hurt here.

These are not the kinds of comments one would expect from the men and women who claim to be the best and brightest in their sector. You see this kind of anger and frustration and intolerance all the time in the FE section of this board, but not so often here so these postings are somewhat surprising.

As I said earlier, if beating up on me gives them the self-esteem that they are seeking, no problem. I'm happy to take their abuse and criticism. They pale in comparison to the drill instructors I knew.
These are not the kinds of comments one would expect from the men and women who claim to be the best and brightest in their sector. You see this kind of anger and frustration and intolerance all the time in the FE section of this board, but not so often here so these postings are somewhat surprising.

As I said earlier, if beating up on me gives them the self-esteem that they are seeking, no problem. I'm happy to take their abuse and criticism. They pale in comparison to the drill instructors I knew.

Since you normally don't see it on our side, why do you think that it is?

I dont often agree with nylife. But there can certainly be a bias on this forum (as a whole) against those with a Degree or a Designation. Not in this section so much, but other sections of the forum it is very true. And not just the FE section either. Take a look at the CFP forum on here... everything on it is just bashing CFPs.

In all fairness, the CFP board is a bunch of arrogant power hungry wanna be politicians. But the "BFD" "designation" is often thrown out as a retort to anyone who mentions their real professional designation. Which is sad imo... we should encourage learning in our profession and encourage those who want to learn.

And Im saying this as someone who did not finish my 4 year degree, and currently has zero professional designations. But Im constantly learning and educating myself about my profession. And it allows me to make much more than the average college grad :)

My biggest problem with posts from nylife is that they often come across as condescending. Which imo is why his "education" is often thrown at him as a bad thing. Even an inherently positive thing can be utilized in a negative fashion.