Possible State Resistance???


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Just saw this article about individual states resistance to possible Oboma Care. Wonder how effective this would be in case OC gets through?

Missouri State House has passed House Joint Resolution 48 (HJR48). The
legislation, known as the “Missouri Health Care Freedom Act” seeks to
make public policy for the state that every person within the state of
Missouri is and shall be free to choose or decline to choose any mode
of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty
by the federal government of the United States of America.

Here’s the official summary of the bill:

Upon voter approval, this proposed constitutional amendment prohibits
any person, employer, or health care provider from being compelled to
participate in any health care system. Individuals and employers may
pay directly for lawful health care services without being subject to
fines or penalties, and health care providers can accept payment for
health care services from individuals or employers without being
subject to fines or penalties. The purchase or sale of health care
insurance in private health care systems cannot be prohibited by law or

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution codifies in law that the
federal government is one of limited, delegated powers – and that all
powers not enumerated in the Constitution are reserve “to the States,
respectively, or to the People.”

The founders, during the time of the Constitution’s ratification, made
clear that a vast majority of regulatory powers would be left in the
states – including social services, agriculture, mining, and more.
Click here to read more.

The resolution passed by a vote of 113-40, and is awaiting transmittal to the State Senate.

In an update to supporters, the resolution’s primary sponsor, State Rep. Jane Cunningham, pledged to see the effort through:

“I sincerely appreciate all those who have come out and shown their
support, and all those who have shown an interest in the issue. Each of
you has my word that I will fight tirelessly until our constitutional
rights in Missouri are fully protected from federal encroachment.”


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As usual, it always depends on what a person means by "Obamacare." That term increasingly is used just to mean any type of health reform versus the mega whole-pig program.

Briefly though, my view is that it is a mixed bag at the state level. States are definitely lining up to challenge the constitutionality of mandated health insurance. The AG's from four or five states have gotten together to either form a class or multi-party suit.

On the other there are an increasing number of states that are trying to implement elements of Obamacare at the state level. GI, single payer, state review and approval or premium increases, you name it.

It's a mess. Don't assume though that everything done at the state level is necessarily a state's rights Alabama 1958 thing. There are some real pinko states out there and growing by the day.
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The states are already reeling from the lack of Obamabux in this years budget. Can't recall the figure, but GA is looking over their expected revenues this year, minus O-bux and are making some serious cuts at all levels, especially education.

Of course the states will have to fully fund the SCHIP increase as well unless he pulls more $$$ out of his butt. And then there is the Medicaid shift. Already in the hole, but not as badly due to Obamabux to bridge over to 2010. It will get even worse when/if Congress expands Medicaid to 133% of FPL.

Back at the House, the Dem's lost 3 yea votes, one by death, two by resignation. Now comes word that Arcuri (D-NY) will switch from a yes to a no and Ross (D-AR) will likewise vote no.

Kosmas (D-FL) and Markey (D-CO) are on shaky ground. It will be interesting to see if they vote no to try and hold their seat in what was formerly Repub districts.

OTOH, Kosmas voted no the first time around but rumor is she will switch to yes in exchange for a nice Dem appointment if she loses.

And the beat goes on.
Don't worry, they will have the votes. I know this because they keep saying so. Of course, asked if they have done any counts, they quickly say it's impossible because they don't have a bill yet.... so how do they know they have the votes????

Personally, I think they are wondering where they are at. Given how much leadership wants to pass this and the price paid for early votes, I imagine many are playing this pretty closed mouth, waiting to see just how much 'constituent enhancements' they can get for their vote.

Leadership is clearly under the magical number (not sure where that number is today, 218 - ???), or they would be voting before they change their mind.

216 based on the current count of 431 in the House. If Rahmbo goes strutting through the gym showers trying to drum up support there might be a few more resignations.