In AZ, Meritus is doing it. They are a coop start-up, funded by the ACA law. Their enrollment during OEP was lackluster, so they figured that they would get as many sales now as possible. I think their logic is that the really unhealthy ones signed up 1/1/2014, and now they would be getting healthier (and perhaps younger) enrollees who just didn't sign up before the deadline.
I'm not defending US Healthgroup one bit but they did file Metal Tier plans in Florida, I downloaded the filing from the Fl DOIR website (1470 pages).

Again, I don't know the rate structure (there isn't a table in the filing, just an overall formula with age and community ratings) and I doubt whether they ever give a consumer a real picture of what it would cost to convert but it seems like they have created a workaround the Open Enrollment period.

Commissions listed for the Metal plans were 5%, that probably means agents get something much lower and would create significant chargebacks in the event of someone converting.


This is a good tool but Off Exchange plans aren't listed on this site, I couldn't find anything from Assurant/Time.

These are the OFF and ON Exchange plans in Florida. I do not see them listed anyplace.
logic is that the really unhealthy ones signed up 1/1/2014,


Since 3/31 I am getting 1 - 2 calls a week for coverage. Not a healthy one in the bunch. Last Thursday got a call from a lady that has a sore on her arm that won't heal. Thinks it might be skin cancer and wants insurance ASAP.
These are the OFF and ON Exchange plans in Florida. I do not see them listed anyplace.

The plans are filed under Freedom Life as I put in a prior post, they have 16 plans listed Off Exchange.

Since 3/31 I am getting 1 - 2 calls a week for coverage. Not a healthy one in the bunch. Last Thursday got a call from a lady that has a sore on her arm that won't heal. Thinks it might be skin cancer and wants insurance ASAP.

Do you have a QHPlan in Georgia that can be written year-around, Somarco? If not, what is your approach with these callers in general? We're writing a lot of STMedical in Illinois, but I'd love to have a true QHP to offer those with medical conditions, instead of using the STM as a safetynet/bridge to the next OEP.


I have no clue nor would I ever insure anyone with Freedom Life, a B- rated company..

When I sold USHealth-Freedom Life (2005-2008), their angle on the B- rating was that they paid claims, instead of amassing fortunes and properties to appease shareholders, executives and rating companies.

As I said earlier, the company's Marketing department is a master at positive spin, even if it's not accurate, or truthful.
AC, if I had a dollar for every "sure bet" offer that came down the road I wouldn't need to join their team.

This dead zone (until the next OEP) is no different from the way it was before Ocrap, at least with regard to sick people. Couldn't offer anything then either.

The killer is when someone healthy wants to buy and they don't meet SEP rules.

So far no one has taken it out on me but quite a few are surprised to learn you can only buy when Obama says you can.

They are also pi$$ed.
Well, why don't we sign-up with the US Health Group's "captive" sales team. We can earn over $100,000 in the first 12 months, according to their recruiting site. ObamaCare Enrollment is closed? NO PROBLEM!

Link: USHA Compensation


The beauty of that offer is that they don't limit how much you can earn, like all the other companies do.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
That is nice feature they offer. Several of the companies I represent have informed me they have run out of insurance and I needed to stop selling for a while for them to make some more insurance again. It is so limiting to my income...oh well.