What is HealthCare.gov Doing to Us?

- Captcha required to access broker search, consumer login no captcha required.

The CAPTCHA was implemented to keep WBE's from doing "automated enrollments". I don't like it, but I understand why. When a WBE like Sherpa or ACA express was doing 2 minute enrollments, they were creating duplicate apps vs. searching for an existing app and updating it for the following year. Multiple apps in the system were causing all kinds of issues with databases/834s/carriers/etc....

- HealthCare.gov runs extremely slow, buggy while logged in as a broker - crashes chrome and various browsers frequently for at least a week.

Any one have any thoughts on why they are doing this? I know they want us out of the loop, but this is insane.

This was simply traffic/load issues. There is no boogeyman trying to keep brokers out of the game. C'mon - there have been plenty of times I could get in the backdoor/broker login, when the front door/consumer login was on a wait. If you haven't noticed, HC.gov did a whole lot more outreach to brokers this year. Too little too late, perhaps, but there is no grand conspiracy....

Regarding russelltw's incident, I'd want to hear the marketplace rep state it firsthand (only believe half what you see and nothing that you hear applies to clients too) but, it wouldn't surprise me if true. There are certainly call center employees that don't like agents. Some of this can likely be attributed to some of the agents that have called in to the FFM with a lack of knowledge and a bad attitude over the past couple of years, and sure, there are certainly some really crappy call center EE's, though they're not all bad in my experience.....
The CAPTCHA was implemented to keep WBE's from doing "automated enrollments". I don't like it, but I understand why. When a WBE like Sherpa or ACA express was doing 2 minute enrollments, they were creating duplicate apps vs. searching for an existing app and updating it for the following year. Multiple apps in the system were causing all kinds of issues with databases/834s/carriers/etc....

Actually that was not the reason; looking up and updating (i.e. CIC) was not a thing last year. The duplicate apps was not an issue for us (at least other than very, very rare instances) either. Their reasons were mostly surrounding it was not the "intended" methodlogy amongst other things.
Actually that was not the reason; looking up and updating (i.e. CIC) was not a thing last year. The duplicate apps was not an issue for us (at least other than very, very rare instances) either. Their reasons were mostly surrounding it was not the "intended" methodlogy amongst other things.

One of the apps I wrote in November on ACAExpress was overwritten by a duplicate app that was done by HC.gov in December as an auto-renewal. What a waste of 3 hours that was....and it's probably still not corrected.
The stupid govt stating they "were all in" for 2017 is a crock of chit... Obama is a crock of chit... any human that is a democrat is a crock of chit... they have screwed this up so bad and have pointed their arrow directly at the agent... anyone that thinks other wise is a dumb chit... there... f-the govt
The stupid govt stating they "were all in" for 2017 is a crock of chit... Obama is a crock of chit... any human that is a democrat is a crock of chit... they have screwed this up so bad and have pointed their arrow directly at the agent... anyone that thinks other wise is a dumb chit... there... f-the govt

Painting with a wide brush aren't you? I talk to both ends of the political and economic spectra. Their objectives are the same and they have similar values of right vs wrong. They differ primarily on methodology especially at the implementation level.

Unfortunately some expect others to give them a fish while others say "get your own damned fish" without acknowledging that the other person has never fished, doesn't know how to fish, may not be near water and doesn't have a fishing pole.

I have a friend who tells his story of being born poor in coal country, joining the air force, being flown out to CA, graduating from college and making most of his money selling phone cards to Mexicans. He doesn't like Mexicans (his words, not mine.) He also wants smaller government and thinks he did everything.

What he doesn't admit is he was fortunate to go into the service in 1959. That was during the cold war with Russia. The neat thing about a cold war is that he didn't get sent to someplace like Nam and get his ass shot or worse. Next, he sucked off the (government) GI bill and went to school. He happened to be living in a place (CA) we took from Mexico and there were guess what? Yes,Mexicans living in Mexico using phone cards at a time when phone cards had a huge profit margin. He said all of this while using the community (ie government) pool and exercise facility.

(My friend in jail says that taking isn't the same as stealing. Stealing involves sneaking. Taking involves strong arming and is more forthright.)

Yee who were born on third base don't act like you hit a home run.

What he doesn't admit is he was fortunate to go into the service in 1959. That was during the cold war with Russia. The neat thing about a cold war is that he didn't get sent to someplace like Nam and get his ass shot or worse. Next, he sucked off the (government) GI bill and went to school. He happened to be living in a place (CA) we took from Mexico and there were guess what? Yes,Mexicans living in Mexico using phone cards at a time when phone cards had a huge profit margin. He said all of this while using the community (ie government) pool and exercise facility.

Frankly I take offense to your using wide brush to insinuate those who went in military and then used GI bill to go to college as sucking off govt tit. Shame on you. My dad and father in law both availed themselves of the GI bill to get college educations. My dad put in 22 years and my father in law 20+ as well. Sucking off tit? Hardly, the "trade" is having zero privacy of a private citizen, getting paid hardly at all and on and on. Tit no, it was for them an understood and agreed to trade.