White House Fact Sheet-post OEP


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FACT SHEET: Affordable Care Act by the Numbers | The White House

Whitehouse press release on ACA. Give it a read, the big news agencies are mis-quoting the heck out of their information. To boot, some of the information is clearly incorrect.

Here's some highlights
-8 Million enrolled in private plans on exchange
-5 Million enrolled outside of the exchange
-35% under 35, 28% between 18 and 35 (applies to on-exchange only, no off exchange data released yet, news agencies are screwing this stat up badly).
-It's "cheaper than expected" by about $0.1T. Like I've said before, all that proves is that the first guess they made was inaccurate.

They erroneously claim that CBO estimates ACA will REDUCE THE DEFICIT BY $1,700,000,000,000.00 OVER 20 YEARS. It's costing $2T or so, and about $.5T is coming in, by all reports. That's $1.5T added to the deficit. Let's see what actually happens. http://www.cbo.gov/publication/45159 (3/4/14 CBO estimate update).

They are quoting the report on HR. 6079, which said repeal would add about $109T to deficits over 10 years, and some arbitrary amount which you can estimate to be $1.7T over 20 years. Repeal might have a cost, but not repealing does not result in an equivalent savings, the plan itself has a cost.

"If I buy a car, it's $1.5T. If I don't buy a car, I spend $1.7T on taxis and busses. By buying the car, I save $1.7T"

I'm sure you can see the flaw in logic here.
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5.7 million people will be uninsured in 2016 because 24 States have not expanded Medicaid.....

Yeah because its the states responsibility to insure people.....
I wonder what percentage of these are working class people and ho wmany are couch potatoes??
5.7 million people will be uninsured in 2016 because 24 States have not expanded Medicaid.....

Yeah because its the states responsibility to insure people.....
I wonder what percentage of these are working class people and ho wmany are couch potatoes??

Not to mention unlike the Feds the states can't just print money might have something to do with no expanding Medicaid. Also weren't these people uninsured prior to ACA as well?
Yeah...all you need to know is that this is a press release by the White House without anything substantiating it. There is another thread with a link to actual research. Actual statistical analysis. This report is a report provided by someone that has a lot to gain....or lose.