Anyone Heard of USHealth Advisors?

Because first you have a deductible with those plans anyway,
of course, most all pland have deductibles
2nd if my son has anything with his ears then that could be an issue,
True, pre ex condition
3rd less likely to be accepted by doc.
Not true from the plans I have reviewed
4th none of my sleep apnea will be covered and if my wife has any issues with her stomach and needs test that will not be covered
True, pre ex
5th still have to pay a penalty which makes everything a waste of time
True, but if no pre ex ven paying the penalty premiums are often half that of exchange policy
6th short terms don't always pay very easily or quickly at least that was the way it was when I sold them pre obama care
Not been my experience at all

thats just off the top of my head. I am sure there is more if I really look into it but thats enough

Ohh And I forgot, as far as I remember they required you to pay bill and then submit to ins company like with indemnity.
Not the case with most carriers

Look Short terms are good for what they are designed for "Short Term' Ie between Jobs or moving or some transition type thing
Some will disagree, may be one option for folks that qualify and understand the advantages and disadvantages.

All I am saying Is before all this Obama Care you could get good family cov for $500 Or So and pay a copay at doc and meds and a reasonable hosp deductible and short terms were cheep and helped fill in gap when between jobs or whatever reason and great for coll students

That was when I stopped selling Maj med and started selling medicare

Now that Insurance is supposed to be much more "Affordable under the Affordable Care Act" my family ins is much more expensive and its going up

And besides paying way too much for Ins The Ins company doesn't have to pay anything because IF I dont reach a crazy deductible.

If I want something with copays it cost way more then the deductible would cost

I remember when they were trying to pass this junk they spent soo much money with fact check nonsense to shut down any argument that this would happen now they just act as if its a total surprise

So yes when I see there are 62% increase in premium in my home state and see someone post that anyone could afford it, I would post other wise
Understand, but I have many unsubsidizec clients that view these increases unaffordable .

I get that many have that issue. I was just playing semantics when it was said "no one" ;)


Great, I would like to know where I can get a legitimate Health plan for my family of 4 next year for even $1000, I could afford that too but its not happening not even close Hell, I wouldnt mind paying $1500 if I didn't have to pay a $5K deductible or have a plan none decent children doc's take Not happening 2017 go Obama go far away

Luckily I just have to pay for myself. My plan is a grandfathered plan I guess. I've had it for 7 years or so. Works rather well
Lol well its an awesome place to work because you get so much help from leaders and i get to work from home :biggrin:
What do you tell folks about the penalty? Do you discuss the cost of the rider to cap out of pocket? Do you know the cost?