Christian Health Ministries

Junkman: Be careful the ST medical MAY NOT cover the accident...if you are competitively riding bike...dont a lot of these short term policies have exclusions for any type of organized competitive sports?!

Attached is the public verbiage. Deductible is in addition to Out-of-pocket. A $5000 deductible is a total $10,000 stop loss. Pretty much a crappy policy but the $10,000 or whatever premium savings brings me to break even. I "think" it's a trade of a known $10,000 expense due to premiums paid under ACA vs the possible expense which will only be incurred if in the hosp.

I have time to enroll and am on an ACA plan 1/1. I'll contact UHC again and ask about specific activities. I don't race and the club has additional insurance that kicks in and helps with the deductible for any of the members on club rides.

It looks like UHC is gouging on premium because utilization and not procedure price increases is what's driving ACA premiums and the STM by definition keeps claims down. Our insurance commissioner has her head up her ass and does pretty much what the carriers ask.


  • UHC STM Summary.pdf
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For injuries from partiCipation in professional or semi-professional sports or athletic activities for financial gain, as determined by Golden Rule

That's pretty broad.

Don't do any races that include free beer at the end.
Junkman:Why don't you consider National General ST coverage instead...for the same or less money, you don't have to go with such a high 10K stop loss...Have you priced out the National General ST? It seems to usually be a better ST value.
Well this got off on a tangent didn't it? ;)

Couple quick points. NEITHER political party is offering a solution to health care in America. All they are doing is shifting risk back and forth between insurer and insured. Cost is not and probably never will be addressed by government because it is a hot potato to deal with.

In a nutshell Obamacare shifted risk to insurers and that's why it costs what it does. So far solutions from the other side, simply shift it back to insureds. They don't make it cheaper, if you get sick. So sort of like this thread, risk to the purchaser is involved again.

Good thing or bad thing is debatable. If you were in my shoes or shoe as it may be, a low threshold for the max out of pocket is a good thing as I have hit it three years in a row now and may hit it for a fourth.

My life has been altered by something as simple as a blister. Didn't do anything in excess, but s hit happens.

If we want to address healthcare cost we have to address health. One guy here is doing that and I commend his effort. I question his thought process of not carrying coverage however, as someone else put it, accidents.

What people had done prior to the ACA was buy hopeful coverage. Cheapest premium possible and you hope it actually pays if something happens.

A true solution actually doesn't involve a change in premium or deductible, but that's what we're stuck on.
This has been a hot topic for agents operating in Texas via the Tahu Cafe. Many agents have lost business to these Christian Ministries health plans. I lost one to Medi-share. I looked at the coverage and went over all the areas of concern to me and the client addressed each one with the Medi-Share folks who successfully addressed every concern. She went with them despite her having a chronic medical condition and all it's limitations. You have to walk on water to qualify and how they monitor this would be an interesting read. Not many folks will qualify due to drinking, smoking, church absences, etc. I warned her beforehand it clearly had a lot of uncertainty and no assurance that it would be there when most needed but she felt comfortable enough to move forward. Other agents shared the same concerns and shared experience losing accounts but until enough folks have a negative outcome the savings will still get them marketshare.:skeptical::skeptical::skeptical:
CHM pays 2nd to any insurance plan. I believe the answer is no. And unless you have a Gold plan you have no Rx cover.

That's scary.
I gained a client today that was on a chm plan last year. They were sold a bill of goods, even had gold plan on the card, but it was nothing but a discount plan where they tried to negotiate the price down. Well the guy ran up $60,000 of medical bills last year even with their so called discount and chm said there is nothing we can do. They also would not pay for preX which they did not understand since obamacare was suppose to pay.

I don't know why the DOI's allow this crap.
Any product can be explained incorrectly by a crooked or worse in trained uninformed agent. -I see all these war stories about claims and coverage but I have had no problems on my Medi Share plan and been on christian plan for 3 years . I saw a post here about being cancelled on a Christian plan for not regular church attendance ?? Surely he was joking , right ? That is 100% incorrect information . Smoking is a no go which actually I like as I think it should keep rates low . If you smoke - find another Plan - it's that easy.
The plan is for " Christians " - if you call them they will offer to pray with you in closing the conversation ! They are great people and I do cash my commission check each month !! The cost is about 45-50% less than Aca plans . I sell both christian plans along with Aca plans .

Somebody mentioned it does not pay Rx and that is true but it's not for people who need Rx . Remember prior to Obamacare ? Same thing here .
So the CHM is a good plan to buy as long as they know they will never ever need Rx coverage?

Where do you find people like that?
It's a risk. For the money i myself would take such a risk.
If you do the math, i have come out WAY a head so far.
ACA prem = 1000 per month
CHM share= 150 per month
I'm i ever going to take $850 in RX's ??????
The funny thing about insurance is this. Playing the odds doesn't always work out.

How many folks thought they didn't need life insurance until they did?

How many thought they didn't need auto insurance until they did?

How many thought they didn't need health insurance until they did?

How many thought they didn't need to save for retirement until they did?

How many thought they could buy term and invest the difference until they didn't?