My Very First Day of Calling


Today was my very first day of dialing. I put together a list from listshack and targeted 50-80 years olds, 10k-55k income, just one zip code.

The results:

201 numbers dialed (no dialer, sorry for the low number)
30 contacts
20 not interested/early hangups
10 conversations
4 people I got basic info about current policies
1 got most of an app - could not set appointment
0 appointments

There were some disconnected numbers, but that's to be expected with this crowd. Only 1 of the 201 people was a wrong number, all the others that answered were accurate, even their ages!

Overall, I was happy with the volume. My script is okay, but my delivery was choppy. Basically, a typical first day in a new sales gig! I'm looking forward to more fun tomorrow and next week. It's a numbers game!

Remember, you can't spell discourage without courage! :D
For what it's worth, you might want to bump the minimum age up to 60. Especially if you're dialing by hand that can help get the contact rate a bit higher.

With your pitch, are you going for the sale right away or trying to set an appointment?
"10 conversations
4 people I got basic info about current policies
1 got most of an app..."

Looks like he's trying to do much more than set an appointment.

Kudos for trying but less is more on the phone. Just get the appointment! (Unless of course, you are selling FE over the phone)
I am going for appointments. On that particular one, I could not tie down an appointment. I figured I have a person on the line, might as well see if I can go through an app and get some practice.
I hired a telemarketer bad choice lol I also have life shack love it but a lot of voicemails, which isn't bad just have to try on my own now.
You should always dialer ListShack lists manually. Be sure to also scrub against the DNC list with YOUR personal SAN number.
You should always dialer ListShack lists manually. Be sure to also scrub against the DNC list with YOUR personal SAN number.

You had made a claim earlier about the cell phones not being scrubbed. Since then we did change a part of the process and I sent you a message about it to see if you could share the source you were using so we could run a sample with them ourselves and I never heard back.

Regardless of the vendor you get a list from, the liability for cell phone and DNC scrubbing is always on the marketer. Here is an example of a list buyer not being covered through a list broker: List Buyer Fined for Ignoring Do Not Call Regulations.

I also took the liberty of showing folks how to get a SAN and scrub their own lists here:

Do you have a cell phone scrubbing solution you would like to recommend folks?