How Effective Are Along the Road Signs?

What is the close ratio on those? Just curious.

LoriRutl, You mentioned a sign on the rear window. I spent 90.00 on door magnets. Here's the number of hits for the last 10 months:
9/08 - 55
10/08 - 227
11/08 - 16
12/08 - 1
1/09 - 16
2/09 - 35
3/09 - 127
4/09 - 8
5/09 - 5
6/09 - 49

Average last 10 months - 53.9
A friend of mine put a sign on his car. Back window. He gets quite a few leads from it. Haven't tried it yet.

I have lettering on the back of mine & my wifes SUV that reads "Affordable Health Insurance" with my phone number and website below it. Cost about $300 to do and I get 3-5 calls/month off of it and close 2 or 3 usually, well worth the money but I wouldn't do it if I didn't have a truck or SUV need it to be big enough to catch attention.
I have lettering on the back of mine & my wifes SUV that reads "Affordable Health Insurance" with my phone number and website below it. Cost about $300 to do and I get 3-5 calls/month off of it and close 2 or 3 usually, well worth the money but I wouldn't do it if I didn't have a truck or SUV need it to be big enough to catch attention.

Are these white letters on the outside or the inside of the back window?
Originally Posted by Dave020
Another idea. I heard through the grapevine that Oleg ( has a hummer he drives around southern California that is wrapped. Everywhere he goes or parks there is a free add for his business and health insurance. I have heard it gets good results. Supposedly not just a sign in the window, but completely wrapped.​
Wonderful form of advertising if:

You can afford a Hummer.

You can afford the gas.

You can afford the wrap.

All of those together would be a LARGE investment. I bet a wrap for a Hummer is at least $5,000.

* Don't forget also ... afford commercial auto insurance rates.
Oh yes, look into it?
Without it; you have a significant claim; they will deny payment.

Perhaps esurance could help?
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LoriRutl, You mentioned a sign on the rear window. I spent 90.00 on door magnets. Here's the number of hits for the last 10 months:
9/08 - 55
10/08 - 227
11/08 - 16
12/08 - 1
1/09 - 16
2/09 - 35
3/09 - 127
4/09 - 8
5/09 - 5
6/09 - 49

Average last 10 months - 53.9

That is incredible, What does the sign say and would you mind sharing a photo?