Underground Elephant Leads


What did we all decide here? That Underground Elephant is to expensive and not worth the quality?

I wanted to touch base on this string. It's clear that a number of folks felt that our leads were too expensive. I'm happy to announce that we have dropped our prices in some cases by 50%. Pricing is determined by zip code, demand, and lead volume.

If you were had concerns about the price of our service, now is a great time to revisit using UE.

Give me a call at 858.432.2975
[email protected]


I love the honesty, I will be sending you a pm.

Interesting, 50% off 6 months after the thread was dying. Anyone have any final words on this?
I wanted to touch base on this string. It's clear that a number of folks felt that our leads were too expensive. I'm happy to announce that we have dropped our prices in some cases by 50%. Pricing is determined by zip code, demand, and lead volume.

If you were had concerns about the price of our service, now is a great time to revisit using UE.

Give me a call at 858.432.2975
[email protected]


Ian, is UE offering life insurance leads?
Hi Rich,

Good news! We are starting to generate Life leads again. We will be re-launching this product in about a months time. I'll notate your interest and reach out once we put these on the market.

Thank you for your interest.
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I used underground elephant, had a bad experience. Paid $850 for one sale. Worst company I ever used. And it wasn't us, we close leads at 34% of the people we talk to. In all fairness, they did refund many leads. But it was the first source I had to cut this year.
I used underground elephant, had a bad experience. Paid $850 for one sale. Worst company I ever used. And it wasn't us, we close leads at 34% of the people we talk to. In all fairness, they did refund many leads. But it was the first source I had to cut this year.

Wow you don't seem to have a luck with leads and companies. Wouldn't it be great if you could find one company that was fair.

What did we all decide here? That Underground Elephant is to expensive and not worth the quality?


Ugh, wish I'd not decided to try them. They kept calling and telling me about the quality of their leads ... and now I can't get my deposit back. I've received 14 leads so far, and been able to quote just one ... the return process isn't as black and white as they'd like you to believe either.

I don't expect to be selling tons and tons through internet leads - but I would think there would at least be some slight uptick in the amount of quoting. Not so.

Lesson learned. Totally not worth it.
I have been using them for about a year now. They were very strong in early '14 but their quality has really nose dived I've been searching for a good lead company and I continue using UE for the time being. They started not accepting returns at a much higher level which is even more frustrating. UE is on their way to be more like the rest of the awefuls. Also stopped using them for auto leads just home due to the incentivised leads they get from unqualified prospects I did try net quote they are terrible, even tried their live leads and it was great because they called for the first two days and that has drone out some bad leads but they are just not worth the cost, don't waste your money. Also giving hometown quotes another shot and hoping they can deliver but too early to tell.