1st Website Guidance

1. Website name: Something basic and catchy? keyword type domain? Company name?

the most important factor when purchasing a domain name, is making sure the domain has trust and authority from Google, this will make ranking quickly and effectively so much easier versus registering a brand-new domain.

obviously you don't want to register a domain that is adult oriented or is in a domain name from an obviously different niche like Bob's car rentals.com.

what you don't want to do is register a brand-new domain, because you will be behind the eight ball at least six months. you have to start off by building trust and authority that does take some time.

if you start off with a domain that is already indexed in Google, you've already save yourself at least six months.

here is an example of an auto insurance carrier buying a domain name that has links going to it from its previous owner, that are not insurance related: Low Cost Auto Insurance - Get Cheap Insurance Quotes | Titan Insurance

apparently this company is a subsidiary of nationwide auto insurance. let me show you some of the anchor's people are using to link to the site: Anchors: www.titan.com on Ahrefs

titan national security systems
titan national security solutions
titan enterprise information technology products and services
titan products and services - a to z list

now those links don't make up a significant portion of their backlink portfolio, but this is an example of where and auto insurance company purchased in exact match domain that had good links, even though they were not related to their product, but has used that trust and authority with Google to jump over a lot of SEO hurdles.

so as a recap, in my opinion the most important factor, is go for the domain that has trust in authority already built to it, and you can always repurposed the domain, like nationwide auto insurance has done.

2. Web design company recommendations? I don't think I have time to learn & construct a good site on my own anytime soon.

if you want your website to be able to generate leads and not just as a web presence only, my advice is to get a basic website design up, and invest the majority of that $500 into basic website content and search engine optimization costs.

you can always spruce up the website later, once you have the traffic, and of course leads coming in.

if you are going for local leads, you're going to need a different kind of seo game plan than someone who is marketing on a statewide or nationwide level. as an example, you were to need more directory links and local directory citations, versus someone like me who doesn't do local marketing.
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2. Web design company recommendations? I don't think I have time to learn & construct a good site on my own anytime soon.

If all you have is $500 and no time, invest elsewhere. For $500 all you'll get is someone setting up a WordPress site with no content and no quote form that nobody will ever see. Trust me a worpress setup with no content will get you nowhere because you already said you have no time to learn SEO (way harder than website set up) and obviously not enough to pay for someone to do it. You'll also have to spend tons of time either writing content or pay money for someone to write for you.

A website is an investment. It will either cost you a lot of time or money to generate even 1 lead. My recommendation would be to focus on other marketing methods that can actually give you a positive ROI while working on your own website here and there as a project. Everything you can get for $500 can be learned in a weekend if you are going to use WordPress as a platform.

Trust if you can't set up the most basic of sites (WordPress) you won't be able to generate a single lead without spending a lot of money on SEO services.
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Mick...good ideas here. Chumps has some good points and designers can get you something up quick and easy. SEO is something like Josh said requires time, energy and a long-term commitment. I would suggest reading a book about SEO to understand it "over time" then you can dive into it later... try reading "SEO Made Simple."
Mick...good ideas here. Chumps has some good points and designers can get you something up quick and easy. SEO is something like Josh said requires time, energy and a long-term commitment. I would suggest reading a book about SEO to understand it "over time" then you can dive into it later... try reading "SEO Made Simple."

Lol did you not red the thread? The op just wants a positive roi from a $500 website WITHOUT having to put in time or effort. NOT going to happen. End of story.

SEO made simple - published 2009 lol..... prolly a bigger waste of money than a $500 WP with no extra effort.
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Ralph3988... yes I read the thread and agree with others' comments who also read the same thread. I should have clarified SEO Made Simple "2nd Edition." Just because something was not published recently does not mean it doesn't have simple, practical and relevant information to offer. Thanks for your helpful information... just trying to help.
"SEO Made Simple - strategies for dominating the worlds largest search engine"

It could be the 10th version it doesn't matter. The title is self contradicting. There is no simple way to dominate Google. If there was, do you really think the secret to access millions of dollars would cost $17.35?

I know your trying to help but please be careful to what you recommend to people especially when the OP barely has $500 to play with.