Does Twitter Have Any SEO Value?

I would create a twitter account just to follow the tater tot man and get an insight into the inner workings of his mind.

Twitter links are no-follow links.

The potential value is that if you are tweeting about topics, embed a link to your site in your tweets. If you pick up enough followers, some may click through to your site.
I don't know what value have Twitter about your site ranking, but you can drive a lot of direct traffic from Twitter.There are many ways to do so.And it is easier that SEO.
I recently discovered I hold a number 5 spot on page 1 of Google, immediately following carriers for a broad search term due to Twitter. If I knew how it happened I would certainly use the same process to drive more traffic.
It has SEO value and it really helps to get your new pages to index, but just don't use it too much, it can also hurt.