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It's a plug-in.

It really sounds like you're in over your head. You may want to try look for a wordpress forum that should be able to give you much more in-depth support than you're going to get here.

Im definitely over my head...But I'll figure it out eventually.
All you need now is an old clip of a fiery coach heaving a chair across the court. Oh...Here ya go!

Bobby Knight throws a chair (High Quality) - YouTube

Chumps is usually dead on with his advice but he missed the mark slightly on this one... I agree that you might want to link to an Indiana basketball video... but why not the real Indiana basketball story... Hoosiers, 1954 Champions!!! Milan 32 vs Muncie Central 30; the second coming of David & Goliath. The storyline of the 1986 film 'Hoosiers'.

Of course you should also link to other quality websites like this ONE...>
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