Keywords On Website Pages

So assuming many people who are in the same line of work and targeting the same people, wouldn't they all be using the same 'key words' and doing the same thing as the advice I am seeing?

Sure there will be many who don't but in this day and age, I assume folks are much more savvy when it comes to getting ranked. The pages on Google are only so big and trying to get on page one can be like trying to bang the high school Prom Queen.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole thing. If thousands and thousands are trying to do the same thing or are doing the same thing, how does one stand out in a big crowd so to speak?

Can it be done without pay per clicks or expensive things like PCP which one must buy to get their site ranked in a world where guys are spending thousands of dollars and lots of time? :swoon:

Well, you need to look and test for keywords that have weak competition. For example, I have one Keyword alone that earns me about $1500/mo right now in surehits clicks.

keyword research
Aged Indexed Domain
Non dup content
There are a set of metrics you can go by to determine the estimated strength of competition and the actual strength of competition for a keyword. Lots of people are LOOKING for them all the time, but the ones people are looking for the most are the keywords that have listable ppc ads you can place on them that are for things like "weight loss pills" "penis enlargement" "dragon figurines" etc.

Using any tool you want, you can pull a list of keywords looking for the number of websites that have that exact term in google.

If that number is lower than 100k, it is worth examining who is ranking for it. If the search volume is high enough that it is worth targeting, or you anticipate it might be in the future also matters.

Would you rather be chasing a keyword AFTER someone else cements themselves into it, or get it before anyone realises it is on an uptrend? Tracking metrics lag anywhere from 5 days to 30 days or more depending on what site you are looking at, because they have to aggrigate the data, which requires software to go out into the internets and read the websites or the search engines. By the time you read the data, it is already both aged and slightly incorrect.

You want to look at the top 10 results, for these things:
keyword in url (not AS important as it used to be)
keyword in title
keyword in h1 header
keyword mentioned on page
age of domain
pr of page returned by search
pr of main page

number of backlinks
pr of backlinks
number of backlinks from edu or gov sites

There are other metrics people use, but small business selling a product gets to take a turn into left field at this point, because it doesnt matter what the ad potential is, you just need to rank to sell your own product.

Since commission amounts can vary wildly, seo for insurance or any small business greatly deviates from ad selling, because there are terms that might get searched 1 time a week that won't show up on tracking, but that have commission values over 1000$.

This is a huge difference from diet pills, where the commission might be 10$, or amazon products where you're pulling a small amount.

A lot of the same way to rank still applies, and its honestly a good thing because you can rank for a term easily, that has very low competition, then even if it only generates 4 or 5 leads a month, it still had a net of 200$ for the month, plus renewals, which makes it worth a blog post.