SEO for Insurance Websites

STI - (definitely not STD right???)

Great one, congrats - one of your best one liners in a year

Partly right on me: not a mouse, certainly not a rat - and full of marketing and selling of insurance bloodlines.
(do not wear BAN deodorant)|

:biggrin: Have a good one--
great tips, Sam. As always, quality content and long tail keyword strategies will help an agent in the competitive online marketplace.
Yes, great tips indeed.

I would just like to add that after the last few updates social factors and great content are becoming more important than link building.
@pcwest and @Todd Genger- I agree with both of you. Quality content as well as targeting long tail keywords are the great ways to rank good in search engines since you can easily optimize search rankings using Long-tail keywords. Long tail keywords are also less-competitive compared to broad or general keywords.

@iqCarInsurance- Yes, Social Media factors like "+1s" and "likes" seem like the new signals in Search Engine Rankings. Link Building along with Reputation Management is still important.