Stock Photo, No Watermark

I write my own content. Sometimes I do use online articles and expand on the theme.

Hospital Admission - In or Out? | Georgia Medicare Plans (404)252-5859

The rest of the time everything is original but I will reference and link to

5 Medicare Open Enrollment Tips You Must Know

As for images, I draw my own from memory.

Thanks for answering S, I have been on your website quite a few times and also subscribe to your FB articles. They are good.


Very nice websites Chumps.
Thanks for the kind words Blue

You're welcome S, I love you recipes when they come through on FB and other valuable information.

My granddaughter is in 3rd year of college, took computer engineering first year and switched to graphic design for the past two years and is going to change for last year to game design, she has said she will help build me a website. Says it's a snap. Well I guess it would be for her. I can do research and a lot of things on the computer but cannot build or write content for my own site.

I didn't use to be this lazy.:D:D:D
Writing content should be easy when you know your subject, and you do. The hard part is coming up with something your visitors will find of interest.

Set up Google alerts for key words tied to Medicare. Read through the articles on topics that interest you. Chances are, if they are not too technical and of interest to you, your audience will also be interested.

Mix it up. Don't make it all about Medicare. Think of the old Wild Kingdom show. At the end of the day Marlon Perkins always managed to tie in the topic of the episode with a line something like this.

Just like the mother bear protects her cubs, MOO will protect you against loss.
From images to content. Do most of you write your own content or copy and paste from someone else or a little of both?

Copy and pasting is a recipe for getting your site blacklisted on google. That is called "canned" content and google checks for that and will basically put your site at the last page of search results or even ban it from search results all together.

You are also screwing over the person you are copying because the same could happen to their site (although some say google gives preferential treatment to the site that had it up first).

Copying and Pasting is immoral and illegal. It is the same as plagiarism on paper. There is actually a process to have a site taken down if they are doing that repeatedly and will not stop after being told to.

Then there is just the fact that if you are selling a product you should be able to come up with 200-500 words describing a certain aspect of that product.

From a legal standpoint, you cant use pictures or print unless you are given specific permission to do so. Doesnt matter if it is on paper or on the web. Both are against the law to do, but on the net I see plagiarism of someones writing worse than the images... mainly because it can screw up their google rankings.
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