

New Member
I'm new And need some help figuring stuff out. Can anyone explain what an SGA, SA, MGA, GA, FMO, IMA or O, LOA is. I'm reading a lot of post where members go crazy with abbreviations and I'm lost. Thank you
Here's a few answers...

MGA - managing general agent
GA - general agent
FMO - field marketing organization
IMA - independent marketing organization
LOA - licensed only agent

SGA, SA, - not sure, probably similar to MGA/GA.

It gets so damn confusing because different companies use different nomenclature. In any case, the MGA/GA types are simply "uplines" or people that are getting a small piece of your action...sometimes more...in return for...well, that depends on the upline.

FMO/IMO - basically a company that specializes in "managing" agents. They will help you with contracting, quotes, and other stuff. As far as I'm concerned, most of these organizations are totally unnecessary but you pretty much have to play the game if you're going to be in this biz.

LOA - typically an employee of an agent or agency that assigns any commissions due to their employer. Basically a glorified assistant/sales person that doesn't work for all commission.