Advertising On Grocery Receipt Tape

The 5 in your wallet but not in their restaurant should be a big clue.

You can spend money on all sorts of things. Some work, some don't. Some will work for the other guy, some will work for you.

Not saying don't try it, but is it the best use of your money?
Has anything or anyone's opinion changed on this topic of using grocery store receipts for an Insurance ad? My local stores have about 12 ads repeating on the back of the tape and 1 stands out the most because it has buy one entrée and get one 1/2 price. The entrees are usually around $10 so they save $5 every time they eat there. I have 5 in my billfold for that place as I type this. Problem with insurance is what would I put on the ad to make people actually pick up the phone and call?

First, you need to work on your hoarding problem. :-)