Living Life Insurance is the New in the Market. Using Indexed Universal Life

Thanks for the information. It's about 10 years old but glad you finally learned about it.


Hello Rick, yes this is about 10 years old, but many people still don't know about this new accelerated benefit products like me, and I think this is the best benefit we can get while we are alive.
Also for sure our company is the only one in the whole market who promote the GAP protection. For now!
For this reason very happy to be we I am, because of the Momentum!


Wow thanks for sharing this. Super helpful

Hello glad that now you know about this new life benefits that the person can get.
I got my Life Insurance license for many years and I worked for only 1 company, I was offered to work for many but never decided because all of them got the same benefit, Need to die to get the Benefit.
When last year someone told me about this new concept that had been in the market for about 10 years now, but just a few Insurance Companies are starting complementing right now, I got in right away!. This is it!.
Medical and Financial conditions are the most importants subjects in our lives! Don't you think?